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great little game to start.  the sword sound gets annoying really quickly 

agreed on that sound effect ;_; will adjust in the next update!!


Played this with my partner. We had a lot of fun! <3 Looking forward to updates, but this was already enjoyable as is! Great demo


im getting this error when i try to sideload:
The bundleID field is missing from pdxinfo.

How are you doing the side-loading? I've only used the SDK/simulator to side-load, maybe there are other steps I need to do for people to side-load via the web/Playdate account? Either way, I'll make a note in "Install instructions" for now!

Ok! I figured it out, I was able to package the game up correctly such that it can be side-loaded via the web/Playdate account! Thank you so much for pointing this out, it's my first Playdate game so I hadn't figured that part out yet.